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Mari Shiobara asks about the implications of community music in education
30.01.2019 | News
Implications of Community Music in Education for Musicians and Music Teachers
Implications of community music in education for musicians and music teachers are found precisely in the role it plays as...
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First two books launched in ISME Ruutledge Series
29.01.2019 | News
In partnership with Routledge, ISME publishes two series of specialist books about music education
ISME launches the first two books in the Routledge partnership with more to come
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ISME at The NAMM Show. January 2019
26.01.2019 | News
ISME at The NAMM Show
ISME's leadership team are at The NAMM Show in Anaheim, California planning for the future and meeting key industry people.
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Ellen Urho
21.01.2019 | News
Tribute to Ellen Urho, music education leader in Finland and past ISME president
Tribute to Ellen Urho. Your comments and memories are invited.
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Routledge logo
14.01.2019 | News
Congratulations to Routledge book winners
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tribute to Zoltan laczo
31.12.2018 | News
Tribute to Professor Zoltán Laczó
Tribute to Zoltan Laczo, influential and respected music educator from Hungary
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Head containing cogs and with musical notes pouring out as if thoughts
31.12.2018 | News
International Society for Music Education Research Commission: Past, Present, and Future
A report from the ISME Commission for Research.
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Hands all bumping together as a team
30.12.2018 | News
Can you help? Help to shape how ISME works on a day to day basis
Looking for assistance in helping to shape how ISME works. Can you spare some time?
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13.12.2018 | News
End of 2018 seasons greetings from the President
ISME President, Susan O'Neill, wishes members peace and joy for the holidays and reflects on the year just past.
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