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The latest news from ISME
Is it time to renew your ISME membership?
09.01.2017 | News
Time to renew
If this is your year to renew, please do so as soon as possible in order to maintain your member...
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14 November is 200th birthday of John Curwen, who developed tonic sol-fa
08.11.2016 | News
Happy 200th birthday to the developer of tonic sol-fa: John Curwen
Monday 14 November is the bicentenary of the birth of John Curwen, the developer of the tonic solf-fa method.
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ISME announces three further honorary life members
26.10.2016 | News
ISME is pleased to announce three further honorary life members
Three new honorary life members were announced: Professor Gary McPherson, Professor Wendy L Sims and Professor Graham Welch
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07.08.2016 | News
Conference on assessment in music education: call for papers
The 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education is announced. Call for papers closes: 2 September 2016.
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Meet the new Board of ISME
28.07.2016 | News
New Board announced
The new Board is announced at the General Assembly 2016
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Susan O'Neill is the new president elect of ISME
28.07.2016 | News
Susan O'Neill is the new president elect for ISME
Susan O'Neill is announced as the new president elect for the next biennium
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2020 ISME conference announced for Helsinki
28.07.2016 | News
2020 conference announced for Helsinki
2020 conference announced for Helsinki
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Baku is announced as the venue for the 2018 ISME World Conference
25.07.2016 | News
ISME announces 2018 conference venue and dates
Statement from the president of ISME: announcing venue for 2018 world conference is Baku, Azerbaijan
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WAAE logo
22.07.2016 | News
Venue changed to Huangzhou City. Call for papers further extended. 6th World Summit of the World Alliance for Arts Education announced for China
Venue change .. 6th World Summit of the World Alliance for Arts Education has moved to Zhejiang Conservatory, Huangzhou City
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