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The latest news from ISME
17.05.2017 | News
Report from the Dutch INA: Gehrels Music Education
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Gareth Dylan Smith, chair of the ISME Popular Music Education SIG
17.05.2017 | News
Report from the ISME Popular Music Education Special Interest Group
The primary aim of the ISME PME SIG is to provide a home for all to share and discuss practices...
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Gail  Berenson
12.05.2017 | News
Report from the ISME Musicians' Health and Wellness Special Interest Group
Recognising the importance of addressing the vital issue of musicians’ health and wellness, the ISME Health and Wellness Special Interest...
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21.04.2017 | News
Report from the Greek INA: Greek Society for Music Education
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21.04.2017 | News
Report from the New Zealand INA: MENZA
MENZA is the national professional body representing the interests of all music education sectors in New Zealand.
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EAS conference poster
20.04.2017 | News
EAS conference and ISME European Regional Conference now underway
EAS Conference 2017 is co-located with the ISME European Regional Conference, now underway in Salzburg, Austria
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Sue Quindag
18.04.2017 | News
Spirituality and Music Education: report from the ISME special interest group
A report from the ISME Spirituality and Music Education Special Interest Group
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Dave Camlin on a bridge with Sage behind him
13.04.2017 | News
My Music Education Life: Dave Camlin, UK
My Music Education Life: from Dave Camlin, Head of Higher Education and Research, Sage Gateshead, UK.
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Gwen Moore
16.03.2017 | News
Report from the Irish INA: Society for Music Education in Ireland
Gwen Moore outlines the Society for Music Education in Ireland, the ISME National Affiliate (INA) for Ireland
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