The Community Music Activity (CMA) Commission demonstrates strong leadership in the music education field with its longstanding commitment to the principles of inclusivity, equity and hospitality, and their application in practice. Members are critically conscious music facilitators and researchers, frequently working in complex social settings and often at the forefront of discussions around inclusive musical practices and equitable access. The priority is given to culturally and psychologically safe music-making sites that allow marginalised communities to authentically respond to their artistic, social, political and cultural concerns.
The commission was established in 1982, with Einar Solbu from Norway as the chair. Previously it had been Education of the Amateur Commission (1974), with Magdalena Stokowska (Poland) as the chair. The name changed on 1976 to the Out of School Activities Commission with André Ameller (France) as the chair from 1976-1982. The first independent seminar was held in 1988.
The present commission is offering this snapshot of our current vision as a working document, acknowledging it will continue to evolve as the field develops.
CMA believes that everyone has the right and ability to make, create and enjoy their own music and that active music-making should be encouraged and supported at all ages and at all levels of society.
The Community Music Activity Commission strives to work towards the principles of inclusivity, equity, cultural democracy, social justice and hospitality, and their context dependent applications in music making practice. In the commission we consider, explore, and celebrate communities' expressions of artistic, social, political and cultural concerns.
The mission of CMA is to:
Facilitate the exchange of information on areas relevant to the field of community music
Encourage debate and dialogue on different international perspectives on community music and on current issues within the field
Encourage international cooperation
Enter into dialogue with musicians and music educators in related fields and maintain an open space for all kinds of conversations
Disseminate research and other information
Engage in meaningful conversations with creatives, professionals and educators on varied global views across musical disciplines, community music and its evolving dimensions.
Broaden access to research and vital insights.
Facilitate the exchange of knowledge sharing pertinent to community music.
Promote collaboration.
CMA accomplishes its mission through holding symposia and regional conferences, often in partnership with organisations outside ISME. It also organises a seminar immediately before each world conference.
For any queries regarding the CMA Commission, please contact the CMA Co-Commissioners, Alicia Banffy-Hall (Germany) and Christine D'Alexander (USA)
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